Jewish lawyer Benjamin Ferencz, during the Nuremberg Trials in 1947, stated, “Vengeance is not our goal, nor do we seek merely a just retribution. We ask to affirm man’s right to live in peace and dignity.” Similarly, the Jewish prophet Zephaniah predicted, “For then God shall give to all peoples a pure language, for them all to worship in unison.”

Israel, Palestine, and the Arab states share a common ancestry through Abraham. Despite this shared heritage, the region’s history is marred by conflict, hatred, and war, leading to immense suffering for countless innocent people.

Israel’s Role

Is Israel trying to deceive the world while carrying out a new Holocaust in Palestine? Did Israel know about the recent attacks in advance and use them as a pretext for a “Final Solution” against Palestine, with the backing of the international community? Or, even more disturbingly, did Israel play a role in orchestrating these attacks through intelligence channels to justify a full-scale assault on Gaza?

This situation raises difficult questions: Why would a small Palestinian nation, confined by land and sea since 1947, attack a nuclear-powered Israel, one of the world’s most formidable military forces? This seems akin to a child poking a lion, only to be met with overwhelming retaliation.

Historically, the Jewish people were slaves in Egypt, then went on to conquer the Promised Land, wiping out its inhabitants. Their kings fell out of favor with God, leading to their conquest by Babylon in 607 BCE. Prophets like Daniel and Jeremiah helped the Jews regain God’s favor, resulting in their liberation by the Medes and Persians in 538 BCE. However, the Jewish religious leaders then imposed an oppressive system of rules, leading to their dispersal by the Romans in 70 CE.

In modern times, international Jewish bankers have been accused of inadvertently contributing to the rise of Hitler and the horrors of the Holocaust, through their influence over the Treaty of Versailles. Similarly, the spread of communism in Russia and China, the dominance of global banking, and the influence of Hollywood and media have been tied to Jewish interests.

After regaining the Promised Land through the Balfour Declaration, Israel has gradually eroded the rights and territories of Palestinians. To the world, it now appears as though Israel either knew about or even orchestrated recent Palestinian attacks to justify a final, devastating assault on Gaza.

Have the Jewish people learned nothing from their history of slavery, exile, and persecution? Has the victim now become the perpetrator, as Israel exacts its own version of the Holocaust on Palestinian women and children?

The Role of Palestine and the Arab States

The Islamic prophet Muhammad, after not being accepted by the Jews as a prophet, went on to slaughter Jews and others who refused to submit to his version of scripture. He married a young girl and established a legacy of subjugated women and children. This raises the question: does Islam deliberately suppress women out of fear that they might be more intelligent than men?

After Muhammad’s death, his teachings were divided into the Sunni and Shia sects, leading to centuries of conflict and bloodshed. Islam’s expansion into India resulted in the deaths of millions of Hindus, and the Crusades were a response to Islamic invasions.

Muslims who now seek refuge in Western democratic nations often criticize democracy while advocating for a global jihad instead of addressing issues in their own countries. How is this any different from the Jews’ past actions? Islam’s continued subjugation of women leaves it imbalanced and in turmoil, created by insecure and abusive men.

Palestine has attacked Israel multiple times and has also turned against other nations that once supported it. After being displaced by Israel, Palestinians initiated a 15-year civil war in Lebanon, transforming Beirut from a city of beauty into a war zone. The bloodshed in the name of religion has only brought more suffering and bad karma.

The Prophesied End of Religion?

Oddly enough both the Bible and the Qur’an predict a time when God will move governments to turn against and destroy fanatical religions for the bloodshed they have caused. This may happen as part of an effort to establish global peace and security, while the Globalist World’s Merchants watch at a distance from the sidelines fearing their own demise, as religion has often been at the heart of many of history’s problems.

Before his death, Benjamin Ferencz continued, “When we recognize not that we have different religions, different countries, different colors, but that we are all human beings inhabiting one small planet, then we will be successful. If we don’t; we will cease to exist.”